Thursday, September 16, 2004

Free wood

  • Job well done boys. Cellspace Hardware Dept couldn't do it any better
  • Helping out again
  • He, denkt broertje dat kan ik ook
  • That's a pile of free wood

Financing Serendipitree

  • No tree without the financials. Mentor Bob is rolling in the sponsors and clients
  • Ruud ADM wants an Aldi beer
  • No rain today
  • Feed me seymour, Roti niet de beste van Amsterdam een eervolle 4de plaats


  • The foundation of Serendipitree
  • It's a life
  • Mama help
  • Ben "curly" our new cellmate for the week and years to come
  • Ruud ADM DAF truck in full action
  • Better late than never. Master Yurt always on the job

Let the free wood come in

  • Leigh "the treeman" and Ben "curly" were doing a fine job gathering all the wood on location 1.
  • Brother from of course Cellspace Hardware Dept. is looking satisfied at Leigh's digital camera.
  • Wood arrived on destination
  • Ruud the ADM DAF trucker focusing on the crane
  • Gijs from Hoogendam Woods gave us a 50 euro foundation
  • The foundation of Serendipitree

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


ser·en·dip·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (srn-dp-t)n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties

  • The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
  • The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
  • An instance of making such a discovery.

Word History: We are indebted to the English author Horace Walpole for the word serendipity, which he coined in one of the 3,000 or more letters on which his literary reputation primarily rests. In a letter of January 28, 1754, Walpole says that “this discovery, indeed, is almost of that kind which I call Serendipity, a very expressive word.” Walpole formed the word on an old name for Sri Lanka, Serendip. He explained that this name was part of the title of “a silly fairy tale, called The Three Princes of Serendip: as their highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of....”